Tuesday 2 July 2013


Yesterday I did some weeding.  Both outside and in.

I started feeling things gradually getting on top of me.  I should have been feeling great - I had lots of new ideas buzzing round my head, and things I wanted to start doing in order to put them in to action.  Why then why was I feeling stuck and frustrated?


I sat and thought.

I realised I had a lot of wonderful things going on but that there were TOO MANY of them!

I needed to do some weeding!  More sage advice from the garden - things don't grow well if they are too crowded out.

I made a list and was surprised to find just how many things I had on it - no wonder I couldn't focus on anything!

Work - Follow The Butterflies Course - Blog - Beads - FaceBook Page - Leonie Dawson's Magic Money Course - Leonie Dawson's Amazing Year Planner - My Mystery Caravan idea - Trying to work out exactly what type of business calls to me - Not to mention things that HAVE to get done around the house and and garden - Finding time to be creative - Books to read.  PHEW!

I decided to prioritise them all - there were things I HAVE to do, things I WANT to do, and things I NEED to do.  Within this list there are things that can be put on the backburner.  I even got my crayons out to add some colour.


I decided that Leonie's courses needed to be put off just for a little while.  I need to focus on what I'm doing at the minute, I will benefit more from these courses when I don't have so much going on.  Gone!  The feeling of beating myself up for not doing something I should be and making myself feel like a failure!  Gone, the pressure of not printing them out and getting started!

Already the weight of my list is lessened.

I thought about my days, and my schedule - it varies from day to day but some things are a constant.  My early morning time is my 'ME' time.  I find I like writing this blog then, catching up with FaceBook and writing emails.  All with my morning cuppa.

Work is not an option, it has to get done.  But there are times between photography appointments that I could use more wisely - five minutes here, ten minutes there, where I could be creative - doodling and brainstorming ideas.  Exciting dreams!  Note to self: pocket sized notebook is needed!

My mood was starting to lift as I realised I was getting things organised and under control.  I had weeded out some things and taken them out of the garden for now.  They will grow back very soon and in their time will blossom and bear fruit.  In the meantime my mind is clearer - more able to focus on the now and make the most of it.



  1. LOVED this!!

  2. Thank you Ffiona! I'm realising there are a lot of parallels in living and the garden ;)

  3. I need to take this advice too. Thank you Louise.

  4. You are welcome Tammie, I think I'll be pursuing this idea a little more ;)
