Friday 30 November 2012

Wavey Lines

My first post on a shiny new blog - it's rather like writing on the first page of a crisp new notebook. Thoughts race through my head; 'make it worthwhile', 'don't smudge the ink', 'best handwriting required'.  You know what happens, inevitably the pen clogs and deposits a big clump of glue-like ink in the centre of the page, or the near perfect handwriting gradually deteriorates to near illedgible scrawl by the last sentence.  I suspect this blog will be like a new notebook in more ways than one.


So why a new blog?

I recently had my website and blog hacked multiple times.  Nothing personal I'm sure, just some bot finding it's way in through outdated code, old passwords - who knows.  The first couple of times I took a deep breath and managed to recoup - or thought I did.  After this last attack I felt so overwhelmed that I just deleted everything.  Website - gone. Blog - gone.

At first it felt almost good, but then the loss of several years of blog posts hit me. What did they all say? What was gone that I didn't even realise?  Was I going to miss them?  I do have a backup somewhere, but not a particularly recent one.  Maybe I'll try importing it at some point, maybe I won't take the risk.

Wavey Lines??  Have you tried coming up with a blog name at WordPress lately?  It's hard to get a name that hasn't been taken.  At first this one was almost out of desperation but the more I sit with it the more I like it.

If you are at all familiar with 'The Shipping News' you might remember a character named Wavey.  Visiting Newfoundland I came across this name a lot, one was a perfectly named hair dresser that I wish I had written down.  Wavey Cuts and Curls or something.  Anyway, I took the name to use as and when I want.  Sometimes it's just Wavey, sometimes it's Wavey Raven...

What is a blog filled with? Lines!  There you have it - Wavey Lines!  What are wavy lines?  Vibrations of which we are all made, heat, light, electricity, and so much more - we are infinitely amazing beings.  Far more infinitely amazing than this blog will ever be!

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