Wednesday 2 April 2008

New Beads!

Some new beads to share!  The first are big hole beads - or bigger at least! I did them on the 3/16" mandrels.


These were experiments with faux boro colours and silver.  I think the silver was fuming my clear glass which didn't make them look so good,


even though there were bits that I really liked!


Then Deborah posted a bead on Wet Canvas that had rubino over silver and I thought it looked just like what I needed!  This is two sides of the same bead and I'm getting closer to what I was aiming for - happy day!



  1. Oh !!! Are those (last photo) by any chance big drops? On the byzantine weave they would look really elegant as earrings ;-)
    I love this blue and how the colours found their pattern.

  2. They could almost be big drops Valentina! I'm hoping to get out there and experiment a bit more today - I will keep 'big drops' in mind!

  3. Love that one on the right with the cool twistie detail! :)
