Sunday 10 November 2013

Trains of thought

Yesterday I was sent a link to a website.

It wasn't a very pretty website, the animal photography for sale wasn't particularly good, mushy focus, composition that wasn't appealing and yet it got me thinking.

The first train  that my brain jumped on was the one that said 'this isn't very good - how can this person think that people will want to buy this?  The website isn't working properly, the whole thing is rather a mess'.

Then I realised I was on the wrong train!!

image of an old derelict train

What I needed to consider was that the person who put this website up was putting herself out in the world.  She had likely worked hard to get the website looking the best she could.  She probably took all of the photos with love for the subjects and she had confidence in herself that allowed to her to get as far as she had.

She is out there, doing her thing, making a go of selling her photography, art and other products and for that she should be congratulated!

It's easy to judge other people by what we see, but much more rewarding to stop and think a little harder - to look for the things that might not be immediately apparent.

This person could be a beacon for those of us who might not quite have it all together, those with self doubts and those who are waiting until they get things just right.  Today is the day to put yourself out there, we can all find ways to improve what we do, but first we need to get started!


girl thinking on tracks

Which train are you on?



  1. Thanks so much for sharing this thought!

    I firmly believe that when we embark on a critical thought train, it's actually our own blockmonsters having a sneaky party and eating away at our own ability to be creative - it's a habit worth breaking (I'm working on it!)

  2. You are so right Jani, thanks for your comment. I switched tracks and have had a huge burst of creativity, reminding myself that I 'CAN' :)
