Wednesday 26 June 2013

Dance Yourself To Work

What's on your desktop?  Your computer/tablet/phone desktop?  This is what's on one of mine at the minute, another one tells me I have stars inside me.

Every time I turn my tablet on I'm greeted with this photo of Glastonbury Tor, for me it's totally inspiring and I'm thinking myself into knowing that I will, in the near future stand right in the spot this picture was taken from.


Does that sound stupid? Inspiring? Or empowering?  I find it very empowering - a dream being birthed into being.  My goodness if I can do that, what is there that I can't do?

My husband calls me a dreamer, and I am oh so glad that I am - for that brings all kinds of excitement into the humdrum of work and daily living.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying any of us should disregard what is happening in the NOW, for that is all we truly have - the here and the now, but why not add more good stuff to it, stuff that makes your heart sing and your feet dance?  It can turn an average day into one where I feel so connected, alive and miraculous which in reality is what is at the truth of the matter.  I AM connected, I AM alive and I AM miraculous - and so are you dear reader!  If that is not empowering I don't know what is!

I know how I will feel when I stand in that field, sun drawing the dew from the grass, mist rising in the early morning.  I can feel what I will feel and it's got to be one of the best feelings in the world.

Today I will dance myself to work.

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