Tuesday 25 June 2013


Looking for a photo for this post I was struck by how fixed and narrow my perspective can be.

I wanted a cup with a spoon - easy eh?  But I wanted tea, not coffee, a cup not a mug, tea with milk please - I need to feel comfortable.

But stirrings aren't about feeling comfortable.

Stirrings are about feeling on the edge.  Feeling as though you have wing buds and wanting to jump but being afraid that those wing buds are just not developed enough to hold you if you do.

I went with this picture - 777063_mint_and_ginger_tea_1Almost a cup, sort of a cup but a little bit mug-like. Tea but no milk.  What's that? Mint? Ginger??

Probably quite invigorating but not the least bit comfortable in my world.

Yes, stirring.

That's how I'd describe myself at the moment.  A lot like this cup - filled with hot comforting tea but beset with strange and exotic things wanting to become part of the mix.

I'm currently taking a creativity course with Jani Franck - I like Jani, she's a lot of things I'd like to be.  Brave, business savvy and productive to name just three.  Jani's course 'Follow The Butterflies'  is stirring things within me.

banner _follow_butterflies

I am feeling more creative, I'm enjoying writing more, my mind is going on flights of fancy (read my other post about the Mystery Caravan), and I have to say I am really enjoying it!  I feel like it is almost working on a subconscious level aside from the weekly lessons.  Thank you Jani - I recommend your course wholeheartedly!

 1335979_butterflies_in_heartAt the same time all this stirring is leaving me feeling a little wobbly.

Like my tea is sloshing around in my cup.  It's not a bad feeling, it's a rather empowering and exciting and 'what's going to happen next?' kind of feeling.  I wish I could share it with you - it's rather like being in line for the wildest ride at the fair.

To add to this I just joined Leonie Dawson's Amazing Biz & Life Academy - I'm just checking it out but I think it might be a good thing to blog about as I feel my way around in there.  First impressions are -- STIRRING!  Much love an inspiration and just plain good feeling is filling the atomosphere in Leonie's online space.

So where is this post going?  I'm not entirely sure, save to say it must be time for a cuppa - with a spoon!  Milk or Ginger?

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