Wednesday 12 March 2008

Strangeness part 2.

One of only a couple of shows we watch weekly is LOST. I'm hopeless at staying awake from 9-10pm when it first airs, so I've been watching it a week behind when it is on at 8pm. My husband David watches it the first week at 9pm.

I was looking forward to this weeks episode of LOST. David told me I'd like the episode because it was more of the character Desmond's story AND because there was a RAT in it, and her name was ELOISE! We said how odd that was being the rat brain in the other movie was called Louise and wondered if they had taken it from that movie. Now that was a bit strange! Two rats in two programs that were about reality shifts and both having close to my name, but it gets stranger....

When I finished work that day I found David watching a movie on tv.... yup you guessed - Possible Worlds(the movie with the rat brain)! I started rewatching it with him. He was getting supper ready and was out of the room for an interesting scene, where one of the main characters looks at a 3 dimensional artwork on a wall. I had missed this the first time I saw the movie and it was very cool. The artwork looked abstract until you shifted the angle that you looked at it, and then it did one of those wierd things where the points closest to you, switched place with the points further away (in your perception) and a real image came into your mind of a house. I'd love to see it again because it was one of those things that makes your brain shift in an odd way. Anyway, I told David what he missed and was trying to explain the artwork, and told him it reminded me of something Escher would do, and he understood.

At the next commercial break I realise I'm looking at an Escher print and they are advertising a show about him that coming on, the first I'd heard of it, as I would have watched it - we commented on how strange that was and missed what times the show was airing.

I went to the search feature to find out when the show was going to be on. It only came up once in the listing -- that night at 8pm, the same time I would be watching my LOST episode!!!!

I'm now waiting for part three of the strangeness to happen. In the movie there was a car with a license place 11A64 - any bets on that being part of the serial number or something on my new equipment when it arrives??

The image of that artwork stuck in my mind, and I can't help thinking that just maybe that illusion holds a partial answer to our view of the universe. We are looking at everything from a particular perspective that we are used to, but just wait until that perspective shifts!! We could be in for a very interesting ride!

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