Monday 8 September 2008

Etsy Teams?

Since joining Etsy last year I've been finding my away around slowly, every now and then I hear a new word like 'treasuries' and 'street teams'.

It's like learning a new language, but I'm happy to say I've finally plucked up courage to join two Etsy Teams.

What is an Etsy Team you might ask, well here's my definition -

An Etsy Team is a group of like minded people who work towards promoting the values of their Team.  This is an excellent way to raise the profile of your Etsy Shop, meet Etsians with similar interests and network in general.  Depending on the team there may be requirements to join, you may have to pay advertising costs or participate in different ways to promote the team.  Here's a link to the Etsy list of teams .

Here are the two teams I have joined -

Capital Crafters is a group of Etsy sellers who live in the Ottawa area of Ontario.  It's nice, because it's a friendly little group with quite diverse talents, to see what items are available from this group all you need do is search with the words ottawa team within Etsy.

My other choice is EFA (Etsy for Animals) - Artists Helping Animals.

[caption id="attachment_539" align="alignnone" width="360" caption="Artists Helping Animals"]Artists Helping Animals[/caption]

I'll write a separate post for EFA as this is a large team with a lot of things happening!  I can say, I'm really excited about joining this team!

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