Wednesday 22 October 2008

Glass eyes for miniature figures

A while back I was approached by an artist who makes miniature people. She asked me if I thought I could make glass eyes for these. At that point I wasn't sure, I didn't think I'd be able to do something so small and have them look good.

We've been talking and researching and yesterday she came to see my first batch! She managed to find 4 pairs in the eyes that I had made, which left me feeling very pleased and wanting to continue to see how I can improve my technique.

Here are the eyes as they look at the minute. The shape of the white is not critical. What is most important is that there is enough of it, and that the iris and pupil are in a good proportion for the size of the eye. I had never really considered just how important eyes were in something so small, but they are one of the most important things that bring the figure to life and give it some soul. I guess it's true what they say - Eyes are the window to the soul.

[caption id="attachment_815" align="alignnone" width="450" caption="Miniature glass eyes - close up"]Miniature glass eyes - close up[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_816" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Miniature glass eyes showing size and formation"]Miniature glass eyes showing size and formation[/caption]


  1. If you set aside the fact that the photo looks like a field of creepy eyes growing out of mud, they look really good - very realistic :)
    Great job as always (you'll be famous in no time)!

  2. Thanks for putting it so eloquently Meghann!!!! ;o)
    I didn't even consider that the clay might look like mud, I was trying to think what I had on hand that I could stick them into. Maybe I should stick the slab of them up on Etsy and call it 'Creepy Eyeballs in Mud Diorama'!! Heheheh
