Wednesday 8 October 2008

Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary - October Donation

I am excited and happy to be able to show this bracelet and brooch set.  Meghann Gervais and I have collaborated on these pieces for a donation to the November fundraiser in aid of the Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary.

[caption id="attachment_769" align="alignnone" width="450" caption="Donation for Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary"]Donation for Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary[/caption]

This local sanctuary helps sick and orphaned wildlife and is the perfect place for my very first donation as an artist.  Meghann has used my beads to create this bracelet and brooch along with beautiful crystals and filled gold.

I recently became a member of Etsy For Animals, it's an Etsy team that encourages members to help raise funds for all kinds of animal charities.  If you are shopping on Etsy, be sure to do a search for 'team efa' - you'll be sure to find quality arts and crafts and at the same time you'll be supporting a wonderful cause.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for showing these pieces - we should be so proud!!
