Thursday 13 November 2008

Last Day Before Show!

And as Scooby would say "YIIIIKES!"

Yes, tomorrow is  the Ottawa Glass Bead Artists’ (OGBA) First Annual Bead & Jewellery Show!!!

If you are in the Ottawa area, you should really try to get there, I know for a fact there are some extremely talented Artists displaying and selling their wares.

The show runs from 10am to 5pm at the RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Driv, Ottawa, Ontario - entry is FREE and there will be some wonderful door prizes, including a ready made collection of Artisan Glass Beads, and Free lampworking sessions at the studios of some very generous Glass Artists!

As well as Glass Beads, there will be other beads, beading supplies and lampworking supplies for sale.  It's really shaping up to be an incredible event.

That said, I'm down to the wire, I have a huge list to still wade through and that's today taken care of.  Since this is my first big event I'm feeling nervous but also excited.  I'll have beads, Space Monkees, and a selection of jewellery for sale, much of which is the result of a collaboration between myself and Meghann Gervais, who's work is of wonderful quality and style.

The weather doesn't look good for raking leaves or doing outdoor things tomorrow, so why not get a jump start on your Christmas shopping, and come out and meet the Ottawa Glass Bead Artists group and everyone else who will be there!


  1. Good Luck at the show Louise... no monkey business from you! Wait... we DO want monkey business for you now don't we???

  2. Just wanted to say GOOD LUCK!! And.....

    NO MONKEY BUSINESS!! Lol...actually PLENTY OF MONKEY BUSINESS FOR YOU!! btw..this is the first time seeing these and you are so OMG SO TALENTED! YOU ARE SOOOO LUCKY!! I wish I could do this! I just do simple crafts...Break a Leg!!
