Saturday 22 November 2008

Monkees with freckles!

From time to time something goes awry.  Something unplanned happens, as with this guy

Isn't he good looking?!  I'll call him Murdoch.

Murdoch was born with looks to wow the ladies, and a cowlick that most bovines would jump gates for.  David says he has a Homer Simpson quality to his face, I happen to think he looks far more intelligent ;o)

All was well, until Murdoch was pulled from the kiln and I realised he has a blemish.  Yes, even the best of us can have blemishes.  The back of his head touched a hot mandrel in the kiln and it left a mark -

Barely noticeable right?  There's a small indentation up near the top back of his head, it doesn't feel sharp, it's just there.  Poor Murdoch!  He's got such a lovely face I still wanted to offer him for sale, and didn't want him to think he was somehow a 'lesser' monkee because of it.  So I decided to call it a freckle.  Freckles make me think of happy children, the word somehow doesn't carry the weight of 'FLAW' or 'DEFECT'.  Murdoch certainly doesn't have either of those - he has a FRECKLE!

Monkees with FRECKLES are extremely special, and because of this I've decided that I need to make them even more accessible to people!  In order to do this, I'm offering Murdoch at a special price!  If you think he's dashingly handsom and that his FRECKLE makes him super special, you can purchase him for $10.  He's delighted about the whole thing, because he feels that it lifts him above the crowd where he surely deserves to be.

Visit my Buy Beads page to find out how you can purchase Murdoch, Monkee with a FRECKLE!


  1. He's so cute. :)

    Louise, I just sent you an email about the question you left in my blog. I hope I answered all your questions. I wish it was spring!

  2. OMG sooo funny you should name him Murdoch... he reeeally looks like Rupert Murdoch!!! LMAO!!!

  3. Michelle, yes you did answer my questions! Thank you :o)

    Maxine, I'm sure neither Murdoch would be delighted at that comment!! ;o) it time for your annual eye exam? LOL!
