Friday 7 November 2008

Tag I'm it and a Brooch to go APE over!

Well, I woke up this morning, and you were on my mind... you were on my mind...  Oh sorry, too little sleep has me starting the day off with a song!  Let me try again.

I woke up this morning to find I had been tagged by Rita's Rambles - Thank you Rita!

What does this mean you might ask?  Well I will tell you, here are the rules -

Here are the rules of tagging
1. Link to tagger and display these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself - some random, some WEIRD.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by including links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Now I have to find SEVEN people to tag!  Bet you are all quaking in your boots!

Before I do the weird stuff and tagging, I want to quickly share this wonderful brooch that Meghann Gervais made for my right before my very eyes yesterday!  I love visiting Meghann because she's super talented and loves too bake, so there's always something yummy on the go as well!  Yesterday she sent me home with a whole half of her delicious bundt cake that was still warm and moist and crammed with cranberries.   Ooooh I felt so special :oD

The brooch?  Oh yes, here it is!

Go Ape over Monkee Brooch!

[caption id="attachment_856" align="alignnone" width="450" caption="Marmite - Spread the World!"]
Go Ape over Monkees Brooch!

I'm planning on wearing at the Ottawa Glass Bead Artists show next weekend. I used these three monkees as my image on our promotional postcards so I thought it would be fun to be able to wear them as well. I have a great fondness for these three guys, I don't know why, they are just special!

Now back to the tagging thing seven facts hmmm...

1. I love RATS! Yes we had pet rats for several years and they are the most wonderful, intelligent little creatures. I was telling Meghann yesterday, they really are like little dogs. They got to know their names and would come when called. You can see some pictures here (they really are very cute ;) )  The best way I can think to describe them is that they had personalities the size of elephants in their tiny bodies!  Each one was so special in his or her own way.  I remember Hannah, one day she climbed to the top of a venetian blind in the living room - we used to call her Indianna Hannah, and another time she went missing from her 'free roam time' I was a bit panicked, but turned out she had left the room, climbed the stairs found my daughter's room and climbed on the bed to wake her up!!! Honestly its true!  Then there was darling Smeagol, and little Otis and Big Bo - oh I could go on for ever, but need to do the next six things.

2. I created a whole marketing campaign for Marmite because I love it so much!  I even sent it to them!  LOL, but of course they have their own "people" who do that kind of thing!  Here's ad one - I have a series of four or five I think, I should post them sometime.
Marmite - Spread the World![/caption]

3. I met my husband online! Yes, it's true!  Not intentionally, honest!  Not in a seedy chat room or anything like that (not saying that all chat rooms are seedy), (not that I have any experience with chat rooms), (well only one and that was full of glassy girls and that was VERY seedy! heheh), no I met my husband because we both happened to be looking for the same book by one of our favourite authors at that time - Whitley Strieber of Communion fame.

4. I wish I lived near the ocean. I was born in Bristol, England - that's not too far from the coast and I do believe that where we are born or live our first years somehow imprints itself on us, I have a deep feeling of needing to be near the ocean.  It's hard when I'm planted firmly in the middle of Ontario.

5. I believe the Universe is Holographic! :oD  And that there are Multiverses!  It's really not as wacky as it sounds if you start reading about it.  Quantum physics and sub quantum physics is actually finding out more and more that points to some very strange things about the Universe we live in.  One of my all time favourite books is The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.  It changed the way I look at the world around me!

6. My favourite flower is the Cowslip.

I remember from my childhood in England fields of cowslips.  They were so pretty and have a delicate scent, I remember picking bunches to take home, and I remember my mum telling me that the Gypsies would pick them to make Cowslip wine.

7. Last one eh?  I'm messy! My desk is a mess, my torching area is a mess - most of my house is a mess! :oD

OK, now to tag seven people, let me see who I can come up with -

Valentina Creations! - My good friend Valentina who is creative beyond words!

Meghann Gervais - Talented jewellery-maker and allergy free chef extraordinairre!

Maxine Chivers - AKA Pickle Girl or Girlfriday1962 who's latest bead creation is named Busta Bloodvessel!

Monkee Maker - One of my favourite blogs to follow and the inspiration for my first Monkee bead!

Samma's Blog - Oh my gosh!  You need to see Samma's wonderful creations, both soft glass and boro - she is AMAZING!!

Sueze's Blog! - Fellow Canadian beadmaker living in BC and enjoying wonderfully MILD winters

Infinite Charms - Michelle has just got a brand new Cricket torch and I can't wait to see what she does with it!

Now I have to go let these people know that I've tagged them!


  1. am I supposed to find 7 people?
    Can I now hit you with something? haha.

    That was very nice what you wrote about me. Thank you.

    Oh you met your husband online...interesting :-)

  2. The weirdest thing about you is, that you love rats. I just can not imagine it. ;-)

    The other day I caught a mouse....I set it free. It took off like a rocket, hehe.

    Forgot to say, your Monkey brooch is a great idea to have for the show.

    You are special and I want some bundt cake too ;-)

  3. Louise -
    Naw...I won't hit ya'. I'm glad to be tagged and will pick my victims out ya'all!
    Hugs - Samma

  4. Hi Louise,

    Sorry I haven't been over to hit you around the head about this .... first of all I buried my head in the sand, and then I forgot all about it!

    I've tried to do one of these 7 things meme's and had to give up when I got to 4 .... I'm so pants at coming up with 'interesting' things about me.

    Yours, on the other hand, are very interesting. Rats?? Who'd have thought it .... although after watching Ratatouille (?) I'm not quite as averse to them.

    Loving those monkee beads :)
